TOPIX ー 技術文書に対する要求事項
- 各指令には、技術文書に対する要求がある。
- 技術文書の書式、フォーム等は存在しない。
- 適切に内容をまとめる。

低電圧指令 Annex III より抜粋
(EMC指令 Annex II、3項もほぼ同じ文言)
2. Technical documentation
2. 技術文書
The manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The documentation shall make it possible to assess the electrical equipment’s conformity to the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s).
The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and cover, as far as relevant for the assessment, the design, manufacture and operation of the electrical equipment. The technical documentation shall, where applicable, contain at least the following elements:
技術文書は、電気機器の評価、設計、製造、および運用に関連する限り、適用しカバーした要求事項を明記しなければならない。 該当する場合、技術文書には、少なくとも以下の要素が含まれていなければならない。
(a) a general description of the electrical equipment;
(a) 電気機器の概要。
(b) conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schemes of components, sub-assemblies, circuits, etc.;
(b) 設計概念と製造図面、コンポーネント、サブアセンブリ、回路など。
(c) descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of those drawings and schemes and the operation of the electrical equipment;
(c) 電気機器の操作とそれらの図面を理解するために必要な説明。
(d) a list of the harmonised standards applied in full or in part the references of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union or international or national standards referred to in Articles 13 and 14 and, where those harmonised standards or international or national standards have not been applied, descriptions of the solutions adopted to meet the safety objectives of this Directive, including a list of other relevant technical specifications applied.
(d) 完全にまたは部分的に適用した、欧州官報に掲載された整合規格または、第13条及び第14条に規定されている国際規格または国家規格のリスト、これらの整合規格、国際規格、国家規格を適用しなかった場合、適用した他の関連技術仕様書を含む、この指令の安全目標を達成するために採用した方策の説明。
In the event of partly applied harmonised standards or international or national standards referred to in Articles 13 and 14, the technical documentation shall specify the parts which have been applied;
(e) results of design calculations made, examinations carried out, etc.; and
(e) 設計計算、実施した試験の結果、等
(f) test reports.
(f) テストレポート
機械指令 Annex VII より抜粋
A. Technical file for machinery
A. 機械の技術ファイル
This part describes the procedure for compiling a technical file. The technical file must demonstrate that the machinery complies with the requirements of this Directive. It must cover the design, manufacture and operation of the machinery to the extent necessary for this assessment. The technical file must be compiled in one or more official Community languages, except for the instructions for the machinery, for which the special provisions of Annex I, section apply.
1. The technical file shall comprise the following:
(a) a construction file including:
(a) 構成ファイルは次を含む。
- a general description of the machinery,
- 機械の一般的な説明。
- the overall drawing of the machinery and drawings of the control circuits, as well as the pertinent descriptions and explanations necessary for understanding the operation of the machinery,
- 全体図と制御回路図、機械の操作を理解するために必要な説明と関連する記述。
- full detailed drawings, accompanied by any calculation notes, test results, certificates, etc., required to check the conformity of the machinery with the essential health and safety requirements,
- 必須安全要求事項に適合していることを確認できる、計算書、試験結果、認証書などを添付した詳細図面。
- the documentation on risk assessment demonstrating the procedure followed, including:
- 以下を含み、以下の手順を示すリスクアセスメントに関する文書。
(i) a list of the essential health and safety requirements which apply to the machinery,
(i) 機械に適用した必須要求事項のリスト。
(ii) the description of the protective measures implemented to eliminate identified hazards or to reduce risks and, when appropriate, the indication of the residual risks associated with the machinery,
(ii) 識別された危険を排除または低減するために実施される防護措置の記述、必要に応じて、機械に関連する残留リスクの表示の記述。
- the standards and other technical specifications used, indicating the essential health and safety requirements covered by these standards,
- 規格と用いた他の技術仕様書、これらの規格によってカバーされる必須安全要求事項を含む。
- any technical report giving the results of the tests carried out either by the manufacturer or by a body chosen by the manufacturer or his authorised representative,
- メーカーまたは正式代理人によって選ばれた機関、またはメーカーのいずれかによって実施された試験結果を示す技術レポート。
- a copy of the instructions for the machinery,
- 機械の取扱説明書のコピー。
- where appropriate, the declaration of incorporation for included partly completed machinery and the relevant assembly instructions for such machinery,
- 適切ならば、部分完成品とそのような機械の関連する組込手順書を含む組込宣言書。
- where appropriate, copies of the EC declaration of conformity of machinery or other products incorporated into the machinery,
- 適切ならば、機械または機械に組み込まれる他の製品の適合宣言書。
- a copy of the EC declaration of conformity;
- 適合宣言書のコピー。
(b) for series manufacture, the internal measures that will be implemented to ensure that the machinery remains in conformity with the provisions of this Directive.
(b) シリーズ製造の場合、機械がこの指令の規定に適合していることを保証するために実施される社内措置。
The manufacturer must carry out necessary research and tests on components, fittings or the completed machinery to determine whether by its design or construction it is capable of being assembled and put into service safely. The relevant reports and results shall be included in the technical file.
2. The technical file referred to in point 1 must be made available to the competent authorities of the Member States for at least 10 years following the date of manufacture of the machinery or, in the case of series manufacture, of the last unit produced.
The technical file does not have to be located in the territory of the Community, nor does it have to be permanently available in material form. However, it must be capable of being assembled and made available within a period of time commensurate with its complexity by the person designated in the EC declaration of conformity.
The technical file does not have to include detailed plans or any other specific information as regards the sub-assemblies used for the manufacture of the machinery unless a knowledge of them is essential for verification of conformity with the essential health and safety requirements.
3. Failure to present the technical file in response to a duly reasoned request by the competent national authorities may constitute sufficient grounds for doubting the conformity of the machinery in question with the essential health and safety requirements.
EN 50581:2012 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances.
EN 50581 は、2021年11月18日以降、指令への適合の推定が撤回されます。
EN/IEC 63000:2018 Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances.
ただ単に関連している文書を寄せ集め、目次をつけてファイルに綴じただけもの、これは上述の(作成・保管・提出を義務付けられた)技術文書の意図目的、果たすべき役割を満たしていません。指令に記載されている技術文書に含めるべき内容を満たしていません。 技術文書の意図目的、指令の技術文書に対する要求事項を満たすように、技術文書は作成されなければなりません。
EN/IEC 63000 を追記:2021年10月28日
適合宣言の範疇、製品仕様、Intended use analysis、リスクアセスメントの最初のステップです。