Intended use analysis

Intended use analysis for purchaser of machinery equipment

When you search for machinery equipment designed or adapted specially for your specifications and needs, it is essential that it fulfils applicable normative and regulatory requirements of the country of destination.

What happens after you send an inquiry with the specification? The manufacturer performs the risk assessment using the input information obtained from you. Results of the risk assessment have direct impact on the cost, quality, availability, and conformity of the equipment.

Very often it is not easy to consider all criteria necessary for an efficient risk assessment. This results in multiple changes along the project and inflates the project budget.

Assist CE Inc. helps companies to optimize and detail the requirements which are necessary for the risk assessment. We help you to analyse the intended use and derive necessary information for sufficient risk mitigation and optimal combination of required features.

We work with useful forms to optimize the technical requirements, make them understandable to your supplier in Japan and help you to inherently achieve the compliance with the regulatory requirements.

Contact us directly or introduce us to your supplier in Japan!

Contact to Assist CE Inc. (JAPAN)

e.g.) Type of audit, company/factory name and location in Japan.
e.g.) The machine product to be imported from Japanese manufacturer and their names, etc.

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